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Data Sheet

CASE 1  (Lubricating Oil)

This location was an automotive repair operation in Dawson Creek, British Columbia. The fluid containment sump had historically failed and the soils below the building were impacted with lubricating oil. Remediation was completed without disturbing buried sanitary and natural gas pipelines in the area and the site remained operational throughout the process.

CASE 2  (Refined Fuels)

This site is a commercial property in Edmonton, Alberta, where hydrocarbon contamination from refined fuels was present in the groundwater below a parking area. Remediation is being completed while the site remains operational.

Data Sheet

CASE 3  (Diesel)

This site was a former remote communications tower, in the North West Territories, that was powered by a diesel generator. The generator and associated tanks leaked, causing hydrocarbon contamination in the soil. The remote location of the site required that all remediation equipment be transported to and from the site via helicopter.

Data Sheet

CASE 4  (Hydrocarbons)

This site is a commercial property located in Dawson Creek, BC which was contaminated with hydrocarbons during historical railroad operations at the site. 

Data Sheet

CASE 5  (Hydrocarbons)

This site is a commercial property located in Fort St. John, BC which was contaminated with hydrocarbons during historical operations at the site.

Data Sheet

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CASE 6  (Oil & Gas Production Site)

This site is an oil & gas production site, located in northern British Columbia, that was contaminated through the use of a historical flare pit.

Data Sheet

CASE 7 (Sodium & Chlorides)

This site was a pilot project to demonstrate the movement of sodium and chloride ions at a site with moderate salinity impacts.

Data Sheet

CASE 8  (Heating Oil)

This site was historically contaminated with heating oil which was excavated and treated ex situ.

Data Sheet

CASE 9  (Sediment Compaction)

The site was dewatered and sediments were compacted.

Data Sheet

CASE 10  (Sodium & Chlorides)

Sodium and Chloride contaminated site formerly a Department of Highways equipment and Salt Shed.

Data Sheet

CASE 11  (Petroleum Hydrocarbons)

EKOGRID™ technology was used to remediate hydrocarbon impacted sludge in a former sewage lagoon in Moncton. Contaminants of concern were mainly petroleum hydrocarbons (BTEX/TPH). The area remediated was approximately 7500m2 with a total volume of over 15.000 m3 of sludge remediated.

Data Sheet

CASE 12  (Remote Sump/Hydrocarbons)

EKOGRID™ technology was used to remediate Remote Sump in norther British Columbia on a location without utilities. A power supply was brought in to run on propane for the duration of 25 days.

Data Sheet

SIGNUM ENVIRONMENT LTD.  (403) 949-2260 / 1-877-744-6780

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