Cost effective installation of electrodes and cabling
Low energy consumption
Perforated pipe can be used as electrodes and as an injection point for bio-remidiation agents, as well as water sampling points
Electrode spacing typically 5 m
Pulsed current goes through polluted soil (marked reaction paths), and oxidizing chemicals are formed by electrochemical reactions at particle surfaces
EKOGRID™ transfer pulse can transport water and water soluble compounds in the soil and groundwater between the electrodes
EKOGRID™ Electro Osmotic Transport
In normal remediating mode EKOGRID™ pulses are equally timed to both directions between the electrode rows
The low voltage current makes the charged contents of the pore water move back and forward with short electro-osmotic pulses
EKOGRID™ control unit can be used in transfer mode, where longer pulse to one direction is applied
Transfer mode utilizes electro-osmosis to move soil cations and water with everything water soluble
DRAWING A – Drill tube electrodes with perforation at the depth of GW layer
•Water and nutrients pumped via electrodes, optimally to every second electrode row first and then to the other rows
•When injecting (water and nutrients pumped to tubular electrodes) EKOGRID™ electric field is adjusted for transfer pulse (e.g. 6-24 hours with longer pulses to one direction)
•When not injecting the normal symmetric EKOGRID pulse for induced electrolysis is used.
DRAWING B – Drill tube electrodes with perforation both in unsaturated and saturated zone
•Same as in option A, but injection system extended to the unsaturated zone
•Solution is recommend if targeted contamination is mostly in both saturated and unsaturated zone